Oh, how lovely it is when the different energies are dancing with each other, in harmony. The inner man identifies a need, preference or desire and says, “This way, folks!” He stands firm, determined, keeps his eye on the target, doesn’t deviate, doesn’t give in to the “enemies,” that is, doubts, worries, compromises and any kind of negativity, anything that negates the goal, the good. At the same time he is honorable like a knight towards everyone and everything; that’s the only and the best authority he has and needs. Then the inner woman chimes in, calm and positive, that is, affirming the good, approving of the goal, saying, “How lovely, I’m now going to receive the impulses that pave us the way, an easy, comfortable, satisfying, joyful way. No force and no struggle are necessary. I gestate the seed for us until the fruit is ripe and can be picked. I let you know, beloved man, when there is something to do for you.” And then, of course, the inner child that goes: “Hurray, that’s amazing, I’m looking forward already! Let’s have fun along the way. And let’s enjoy it big time when it’s born!” And so it goes, on and on and on … The man is always looking out for more to “conquer,” for new things, ideas, experiences, explorations and improvements; he’s curious, courageous and strong. The woman is gentle and receptive for the best way to get there, she’s trustful and loyal, supporting the goals wholeheartedly. And the sweet little child is eager to play and enjoy. How wonderful! I love this family. Please take over, inside of me. ❤