
Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2019

A wish

“I can wish the traveler no better fortune than to stroll forth in the early evening with as large a reserve of ignorance as my own.” (Henry James)

Read today and found so beautiful ... In fact, ignorance is way underrated. Or misunderstood. Ignorance can be bliss. When the illusion of knowledge drops, there is an openness for the world right in front of you, wherever you are. It gives rise to a naivety, a freshness. Life becomes full of amazement and awe. Divine creation or big bang are no longer abstract ideas, but take place right here. That’s where the party is! This ignorance is like innocence, a return to child-like wonder. Or like Rumi said, in almost capitalistic terms: “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” Sounds like a very good deal ;).
