Some lovely quotes for lovers of nonduality, of simply This. No search, no searcher, no beginning, no end – purely what’s happening, nothing and everything. Freedom, Love, God, Life, cheesecake – it has no name and it is all the names. <3
„Been looking for you everywhere ... how beautiful that it was you who was looking.“
„The only freedom there is, is Nothing. The only freedom there is, is this; Everything. There is Nothing else.”
“There is just what’s happening, just what’s happening... How else can this be said?!”
„... everything that is appearing is already accepted, already embraced, purely by its appearance.“
„Life itself is the lover. It always has been.“
(Rebekah Maroon, This is God. An Expression of Non-Separation)
„Einen Ausweg? Wohin? Woraus?
Es muss keinen Ausweg geben, das ist das Schöne. Da ist nur, was erscheint. Das ist Freiheit.“
(Andreas Müller, Das kleine Buch vom Nichts, das Alles ist)